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Five words for Sooner Fans:
yearI'd say that a good chunk of Oklahoma never wants to see Rhett Bomar's face in this state again...including me. Damn, I was looking forward to Tempe in January.
Unfortunately, between summer classes, moving and a tonsillectomy I haven't had much time to enjoy pleasure reading. I'm officially counting the days off until I can read for pleasure without academic penalty (only 2 more weekdays!).
I have managed to sneak in a few books in the last week or so---Anybody Out There and Baby Proof.
I devoured Marian Keyes' latest, Anybody Out There, and loved every heartbreaking moment of it. If you ever want to read substantial, witty and freakishly funny chick-lit, check out most anything by Marian Keyes. My personal advice---start with Watermelon. If you don't find yourself laughing outloud, she's probably not the author for you.
I also engulfed Emily Giffin's latest, Baby Proof. Giffin has only published 3 books, but each are wonderful. In Baby Proof Giffin really captures the essence of what it feels like to be someone who does not want children and society's perception of that decision. (Most people think it is unnatural to not want to procreate at free will.) Married life can be quite fulfilling without a baby in tow. I was thrilled that someone finally tapped into a sentiment I've had for most of life. Too bad life doesn't imitate art because Giffin has 2 children herself. At least she sought to understand the choice not to have children! Reading by Danny Vigil. See more of his work at
The Wallflowers will always be remembered for One Headlight, but their true gems are Invisible City and Josephine.
These words are so sure to check out the full song to hear them in context.
From the Wallflower's Invisible City:
But all of these horses that you chase around,
In the end they are the ones that always bring you down.
This invisible city...where no one sees nothing....
When I was a kid I longed for Summer to come, taking me away from the drudgery of home. Off to camps, retreats, sleepovers and the ever important Clinton Pool to cool off. I vaguely remember burning my poor little footsies on the concrete, running from the locker room to the pool. I would spend hours upon hours in the pool, dreading going home to nurse my sunburn later that evening.
Now, as an adult, I find myself ducking for cover every chance I get. I run errands before 11 a.m. so it isn't so damned hot. My car becomes the perfect temperature to cook a pizza and you can actually smell the parking lots and roads melting. I water my flowers only very early in the morning and very late at night. After all, you know it's hot when the sun has been down for over 3 hours and the temperature is still hovering at 90 degrees!
Maybe the point of all this griping is to remind me that I am cursing something I once loved so much---summer. I've decided to reclaim my youth and drag the family to the pool. I guess we'll see if it's all I cracked it up to be so many years ago.
Here's my thought for the blog:
Without knowing summer, one can never know the true joys of winter! :0
Does anyone really want to read my crazy thoughts? We'll see, I guess. :) For some strange reason, I can't seem to get that column of random stuff about me to shrink or go away. I find that it conflicts with my ability to actually read the blog posts. Maybe it won't bother you so much. Hey, remember I'm new to this...forgiven?