Wednesday, July 30, 2008

All in a day's work! :)

Today I accomplished much: I finished up summer school (finally!) AND completed my visa application and overnighted it to Los Angeles (yeah!). Now, all I need to do is play the waiting game with my visa. Ironically, Los Angeles had an earthquake's hoping that the British Consulate did not sustain major damage and my application will be processed swiftly and without any problems! 

It has just now started to sink in that my time here in America will soon be drawing to a close. I've been consumed with school, work, moving and the visa application to the point of thinking of little else. 

What do I need to do before I leave? Pack, for some books of my choosing (and those that I can't take with me), research Glasgow, try and get a rudimentary understanding of the city layout (not likely to occur as I am horrible at reading maps), cram in visits with family, friends and folks that I am not likely to see for many, many years. Whew! All of that, and whatever else I may be forgetting, into the next 27 days! 

Tomorrow begins my housesitting duties until I leave on the 25th. I am looking forward to large amounts of quiet time, reading and hanging out with two adorable kitties. D-E-C-O-M-P-R-E-S-S-I-O-N. Living without Adonis has been extremely difficult; he is very much family to me, as we have been through so much together. I have faith that he is in good hands and every reassurance from family and friends that he will, in fact, remember who I am upon my only if I could say the same for my family and friends....just kidding. :)

I think the best approach to prepare for my departure is to start making lists. I really do not want to forget anything major and not be able to remedy the situation from the other side of the pond. I've started having nightmares that I've arrived and forgotten something UBER important (like my passport or suitcases, etc.). Yikes!

One thing I can tell you (if you know me this comes as NO surprise)....I am SO looking forward to ditching 105 degree temperatures in favor of the low 70s and below as high temps! Bring on the rain, I say! Bring on the gray! Bring on the cold! Fabulous weather, I'm ready!!! I know, I know...only I would think that cold, gray weather is spectacular, but what can I say? 

If you think of anything that you'd recommend taking with me, or investigating before I leave please let me know. I can tell you that I will be doing some research on the differences between plug adapters and plug converters as I don't really feel up to frying my beloved Mac on my first day in Glasgow! Talk about the potential for a major meltdown on both accounts! 


Saturday, July 26, 2008

Breaking the News!

Yesterday I broke the news to the College of Architecture that I would be resigning from my position on August 22nd. I was very nervous about how the news would be received. Would they be angry at me for leaving? Would they be upset that I did not tell them sooner? Would they make my life hell before I leave?

Those fears were unfounded (except for one person in the office who shall remain nameless). I received such a wonderful outpouring of well-wishes from  the 5 Division Directors. Being in academia for such a long period of time, they understand the magnitude of this opportunity---academically, professionally and personally. 

Also yesterday, I journeyed to OKC to have my biometrics taken for my visa application. I will be overnighting my visa application to the Consulate Office in Los Angeles early next week. The application was comprehensive and requires tons of documentation. I have to provide my last 3 months of bank statements, last 3 months of pay stubs, a letter from Human Resources validating my employment and pay, an unconditional offer letter from the University of Glasgow, proof of the cost of my housing contract and my tuition....and the list goes on. Wow, the process is so comprehensive! 

It should take approximately 5 business days for my visa to be processed once it is received. I am worried that it will not be processed in time for my departure or that they will deny my visa for some unforeseen reason. I know that these fears may seem irrational, but the visa and my financial aid are the last things that need to fall into place and the worst to deal with if they do not. 

One of my friends reminded me that I need to have a little faith and that it will all work can it not? So, I am going to try and take her advice and have a little faith....of course all the while crossing  my fingers.... :)
