I know, I know...I haven't posted in some time. As many of you may have guessed (based upon my Facebook and Myspace updates and e-mails), I have arrived in Scotland. In fact, yesterday was the 2 week mark.
Let me back up and discuss the entire experience thus far (let's hope this makes up for me being lazy):
My last day of work was on Friday, August 22 and it was a bittersweet day. I really loved the people I worked with and they felt like a second family (albeit dysfunctional). Even though it was INCREDIBLY difficult to leave, I knew in my heart of hearts that I need to do this for myself. I journeyed to Hobart to stay with my Mom before leaving on Monday, August 25. Watched plenty of movies, ate yummy food (thanks, Gram) and spent time hanging out with the fam and Adonis. I managed to clean out my car (no small feat) and turned it over to a willing buyer (Tim). I spent a good chunk of the weekend staring into my pre-packed luggage making sure that I had everything I thought I needed and could fit it all in. I am quickly turning into a master packer extraordinaire.
Monday morning brought a mix of emotions and exhaustion, as we awoke at 4:00 a.m. to drive me to OKC in time for my first flight to Dallas. Much to my Grandma's dismay, I was granted once last driving expedition before my departure. The ride was mostly quite all the way to OKC, minus my endless chatter and singing and my Mom getting riled up over farmer's and their benefits from the government. Good morning conversation, I tell you.
Once we arrived at the airport, I had to shuffle some things from bag to bag and a few things (books), I sent home with my sister to send me later. Leaving my family at the security check point was intense. I was doing fine until my Mom started crying...I have always hated to see her cry and I sincerely hoped that her tears were tears of happiness and not tears of sadness. August 25 was to be a hard day for my Mom anyway, as it was the date that her own mother passed away when I was 2. As my Mom said it best earlier that weekend, "One journey ended on this day and yours is just beginning. Some things come full circle."
I was on standby for my flight from OKC to Dallas, thanks to my friend Alexis and her mother's American Airlines Buddy Pass they so graciously bestowed upon me. :) I arrived in Dallas and quickly learned that I would need to pick up my luggage at baggage claim, check in with U.S. Airways and go through airport security all over again. Unfortunately, I was dropped off at the wrong end of the terminal and I had to drag all 110 lbs. of luggage with me in the heat. By the time I reached the check-in counter I was drenched in sweat. Proceeded onto security where I was "selected" for a more intense security screening. This involved taking EVERYTHING out of my carry-on and having it swiped for chemicals. Thankfully, I left the chemicals at home.
I was put on standby for an earlier flight to Philly, as the ticket person wanted to make sure I arrived in Philly in plenty of time. Thankfully, I was able to make the earlier flight and I sat by a really nice 20 something guy from Texas. A good start to a long journey. Landed in Philly and called family, friends, surfed the internet and prepared for the flight to Glasgow. A 20 something girl sat down near me and was also making calls to friends and relatives, explaining that she was moving to Glasgow and would be out of commission for some time. We struck up a conversation with one another and realized that we were both headed for the University of Glasgow for postgraduate work. She to study Victorian Literature and me for the History of Collecting. We exchanged e-mail addresses and agreed to try and meet up once we arrived and got settled in Glasgow.
The flight to Glasgow was long and surreal. The moment the plane lifted off the ground, it felt anti-climatic. I wanted to cry, yell, laugh and do a little dance. I had that cliche feeling that the rest of my life was really about to begin. Sat by a REALLY nice 82 year old, exchanged e-mail information at the end of the flight, and was blocked into my seat for the entire flight!!!!!! :( Arrived in Glasgow and spent some time with the Immigration Official...lots of questions about my "sponsor" and why he would want to sponsor me. Eventually stamped my passport and I was officially in Glasgow! Finding my luggage and a taxi was QUITE easy and everyone was so lovely and helpful. Arrived at my accommodations and was slightly disappointed with the sterile nature of my room, but at least it was a room. Proceeded to unpack my bags and sleep for the next 5 hours or so. Woke up and thought I had dreamt it all....hmmm...
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